The reading group has agreed on the following schedule for the next few meetings:
- Sept. 18: Bennett and Hacker (2003) Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience, chapter 3.
- Sept. 25: Andy Clark (2013) “Whatever next? Predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science”, BBS. pp. 181–204
- Oct 2: Berit Brogaard (2011) “Conscious Vision for Action Vs. Unconscious Vision for Action” Cognitive Science 1076–1104
- Oct 9: Alva Noe (2009) “Conscious Reference” Philosophical Quarterly 470-482
- Oct 16: Alva Noe (2012) Varieties of Presence (selections)
We need to workout the details on some of the later readings, but this is a pretty good idea of what’s coming up. As always, we will be meeting 12:00–1:30pm in the philosophy department lounge.